The group held a special meeting on excellent performance process management

On the morning of March 15th, the group held a special meeting on excellent performance process management, with over 400 responsible parties, department managers, and key personnel participating.

Prior to this conference, the process management pre review team reviewed and screened over 20 relatively excellent design proposals from over 400 submitted process management design proposals, and ultimately selected 4 process designs for sharing at this conference.

After conducting on-site reviews, Gu Qingbo pointed out that after the process management mobilization meeting on February 18th, the company conducted process management method learning and process design, but this was only the first stage of process management. The focus of this stage is to establish the concept of pursuing excellence. Firstly, identify the key processes, secondly, determine the requirements for excellence, and thirdly, establish sufficient and necessary methods.

He requested that after going through the stage of learning and popularizing process management methods, the company will focus on promoting excellent performance process management, identifying key processes at the company and department levels around mission, vision, and strategy, determining requirements, and establishing methods. On this basis, continuous implementation and improvement should be carried out, with continuous circulation and enhancement.
To this end, all personnel should continuously strengthen their learning of excellent performance process management, better utilize process management methods to plan and carry out work, and make the promotion of excellent performance process management the main line of all work carried out in 2024, and implement it effectively.

Post time: Mar-18-2024